Chers membres du Rotary, Vous avez toujours su montrer l’exemple en matière de serv...
Depuis de nombreuses années, le Rotaract Club Lausanne participe avec enthousiasme a...
Depuis février, notre club est ravi d’avoir relancé les visites mensuelles à l’Hôpit...
Chers membres et amis, En tant que présidente du Rotaract Club Lausanne, j'ai le pla...
Présentation de la mascotte du Rotaract Club Lausanne 2024-2025 🐾 Nous avons le plai...
Le Rotaract Club Lausanne a eu le plaisir de participer aux Rotaract UN Days, un évé...
Chers présidents et présidentes des Rotary Clubs des districts suissesChères préside...
Le Rotaract Club Lausanne est fier de participer une nouvelle fois au Samedi du part...
Participez à une soirée interactive dédiée à la préservation du Léman, le vendredi 1...
District 1980 and the Polaris Team offer Webinars for mandated persons in the clubs ...
What's Rotaract?
The Rotaract Club is a service club like the Rotary Club and sponsored by the latter bringing together young people from 18 to 40 years old wishing to serve those around them on a local but also international level.
Founded on November 9, 1991, the Rotaract Club of Lausanne is the oldest Rotaract Club in French-speaking Switzerland.
Help - As a young service club, we carry out charitable public interest actions.
Learn - In our professional development objective, it is important to become aware of our local, but also global, economic and ecological fabrics. This is why we regularly organize conferences involving professionals from diverse and varied backgrounds.
Have fun - Rotaract is above all about good fellowship and events that are as spontaneous as they are convivial. As Rotaract is represented around the world, it often happens that we organize / attend events / meetings in various countries.
Chères Rotariennes, chers Rotariens,Chères Rotaractiennes, chers Rotaractiens, Le hasard du calendrier de cette année v...
Financial resources are urgently needed for the emergency aid, which is being led by Manuel Rigozzi, President of RC L...