
lunes, 11 de enero de 2021

M'Faddel Cherkaoui - Président Rotaract Club de Lausanne 2016-2017

CRSL Committee Rotaract Switzerland/Liechtenstein
CICOClub Internet Communication Officer
D District
DDRR Deputy District Rotaract Representative
DG District Governor
DGN District Governor Nominee
DGE District Governor Elect
DICO District Internet Communication Officer
DRR District Rotaract Representative
PETS President’s Elect Training Seminar
GSE Group Study Exchange
GYE Global Youth Exchange
IDK Inter District Conference
ICO Internet Communications Officers
NICONational Internet Communications Officers
PDG Past District Governor
PE President Elect
PETS Presidents-Elect Training Seminar
PHF Paul Harris Fellow
POLIOPLUS The program of The Rotary Foundation to immunize the children of the world against poliomyelitis
RACRotaract Club
RAMCRotaract Multi Club - Structure permettant de réunir plusieurs RAC sous une même coupole.
RC Rotary Club
RI Rotary International
RMCRotary Metro Club - Structure permettant de réunir plusieurs RC d'une même région géographique, par exemple une agglomération. 
ROTEX Organization of Ex-Rotary Exchange Students
RYE Rotary Youth Exchange
RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Award
TRF The Rotary Foundation
YEP Youth Exchange Program